Coin A Friend™

The most secure, safe, quick and trusted peer-to-peer, decentralized bitcoin exchange that is completely bereft of fraudulent transactions: for buyers, once you initiate a purchase, you WILL get your bitcoin at your agreed-to price.  For sellers, when you are notified that you have made a sale, the USD funds are already known-good; you only need to transfer the crypto.

Buy Bitcoin

Coin A Friend™ only needs your public bitcoin address to verify when funds are transferred - no need for your private key!  We don't control your bitcoin - you do in any of your existing wallets.

Sell Bitcoin

Coin A Friend™ only needs your public bitcoin address to verify that you have funds to sell and that you've made the transfers to satify the sales you've made - no need for your private key!  We don't control your bitcoin - you do in your existing wallets.